and…Who Are You?

Social Media Profiles are very useful

People buy from people they know and trust.  How can someone gain or earn trust online?

Remember the saying – Actions speak louder than words?

Online you are judged by your actions (or lack of) AND your words.  Both of these SCREAM online – the questions is what are you screaming to people?

Does your profile say ~

  1. I have something to hide so I am using someone elses photo, a logo, or no photo at all?
  2. I don’t want to talk to you so I will not leave any contact information?
  3. Not sure I want to meet you ~ I will leave my real name off the profile?
  4. I really do not want you to know more or do any business with me so I wont include my website information.

None of these actions builds trust.  If you are online utilizing Social Media FOR YOUR BUSINESS then allow people to get to know you, and allow people to have options for reaching you.  Everything you do online needs to support your main business goal ~ whatever that is.

  • Make sure your profile is complete with your photo (recent and business like).
  • Add a business logo if allowed.
  • Fill in the contact information completely – people need multiple ways to connect with you.  Some people prefer email, others prefer to call, and others just want ot see your website and learn more about you and your business.
  • Complete the Bio without making a sales pitch.
  • Fill in all the information allowed.
  • Link the profile to your website

The more transparent you can be online the more likely people are to trust you.  Until you gain that trust you will not make sales online (especially for people offering services).

Do not give people a reason to doubt who or what you are – fill in your profile completely and honestly.

Read the biggest social media mistake.