How to get over your Fears around Social Media

Social Media Marketing
Many of my clients are fearful of using Social Media. Their fears are focused on security, safety, privacy, and productivity. Here are my thoughts on using Social Media to market your business.
Social Media: Security and Safety
Common sense comes into play here. My rule of thumb is that if it is something that I would not want my mother to read, it should not get posted to any online platform. I never post that I am leaving town, left the doors unlocked, or anything about my specific location throughout the day. I do not use location-based platforms like FourSquare. This is only because I work from home. If I had a storefront-type business, I would use all the location-based platforms to encourage customers to check-in.
Social Media Privacy
Some social media platforms require a personal account to get a business account. An example is Facebook. They do NOT require you to use a personal account. If you have a privacy issue, use your business accounts and leave the personal empty. However, I must ask, how is your business doing? People like to do business with people they know, like, and trust. How will people get to know, like, and trust you if you hide your interests?
I have seen business owners try this approach, which has always failed. I have built many business relationships stemming from my interests first. I doubt these people would have ever connected with me if they had not gotten to know me first.
Social Media Productivity
Using social media to be productive is to have a plan first. Stick to the plan. Ask yourself: Is this activity congruent with my plan? If not, stop and move on.
Many tools are available to manage social media—some are free, and others have a monthly cost. I use CoSchedule. It allows me to schedule social media posts so they will post without me doing them. It also posts for me once daily at the best time for my profiles. This is useful for evergreen content.
Advantages of Social Media Marketing
Part of overcoming the fear of using social media is understanding the benefits to your business.
- Brand awareness is huge
- Allowing people to see you as a person
- Communication (some people only contact me through Direct Message)
- Prospecting
- Links to your Website
- Search Engine Optimization
- Getting new clients
This is a short list, but my business has seen all these benefits, so I know yours can, too.
How Social Marketing can increase your bottom line.
Post updated on May 30, 2024