Niche Marketing Works
There are 6 easy steps to market online to a specific niche.
- Define your niche and their needs
- Talk the language of your niche
- “Hang out” where your niche is on the Internet
- Create content targeted toward your niche
- Post content on the Internet and link it to your services, products, website
- Be consistent, and as your content grows, so will your traffic
Let’s look at each of these steps a little closer.
Define Your Niche and Their Needs
Many business owners fail to define their niche completely, and some fail to recognize that they even have a niche. Marketing to everyone who breathes is the fastest way to failure!
Look at your best clients; what do they have in common? Analyze your business and determine what type of client you want to work with – then define the niche a little more. Choose from the “cream of the crop” and go after more of your very best clients. While determining who your niche is, remember to note their needs and be sure your business offers services or products that these people are looking for.
A prime example is a supplement distributor deciding that everyone needs their products. While everyone could improve their health, not everyone cares enough to try. Finding people who already think healthy is a step in the right direction. Then, narrow it down to people who are actively seeking advice or are searching for an answer to a problem. Forget about everyone else – they will come to you when the time is right.
Talk the Language of Your Niche Market
Don’t talk over people’s heads. Use the language that people in your target market already use – even if you have to “dummy down” and speak to them directly. People are comfortable using thier own words – don’t make them feel they have to get out a dictionary to understand what you are saying. If your niche is technical people, use the vocabulary that works for them.
Hang Out Where Your Niche Is On the Internet
Discover where your niche hangs out on the Internet, then join those Social Sites. My niche is Small Business Owners and Solopreneurs, and my main site is LinkedIn. There are so many Social Sites on the Internet, and every industry seems to have sites that cater to them specifically. Search Google until you find where your target market is socializing and hanging out; then join that site and get to know people and let people get to know you. Do not go into spamming or pushing your services. Social Networking online is just like social networking offline. I would never go into a crowded room and start selling my products to everyone.
Create Content Targeted Towards Your Niche and Post it on the Internet
This is the most important step. Find out what your target market is searching for, and then create content with those keywords. Flood the Internet with your content so when a potential client searches, your content comes up high in Google, and they get the answer to their question from you. Make sure all your content is linked to more of your content and your blog/website. If you are selling something, link your content to the exact page where the potential customer will find the product or service that will solve their problem. Do not make them hunt it down – they will go somewhere easier. If your niche likes to watch videos and listen via podcasts, then make sure you offer them a content format they want and are used to. Not everyone likes to read!
Be Consistent, and as Your Content Grows So Will Your Traffic
Don’t feel like you need to spend hours on this every day. Do what you can do and be consistent. I know people who block out 1 hour weekly to work on Internet Marketing. I know others that do something every day. Find what works for you and then commit to doing it on schedule. Over time, your content will grow, and links to your site will grow. This will make your traffic grow and sales increase. This is not an overnight success plan – it is a slow and proven plan to get traffic to your site. The more you can commit to content, the faster you will get results.
The Money is in the Niche
Niche marketing is where you will find success and your business will grow. Another benefit is that if something comes along outside of what you want to do, refer it to someone who will refer it back to you. Referral partners are another way to grow your business!
Post updated May 2024