How do I know if my website is Mobile-Friendly?
Mobile-friendly sites also need to be optimized just like traditional websites. Keywords and content play a large role in mobile website optimization just like they do in regular websites.
What is the difference?
People using mobile devices oftentimes search with shorter keyword phrases, and they do not want to look through the entire site to get the right answer or to find the information.
There is a thing called a mobile sitemap. This is a tool that will get your website listed in the Mobile Search Engines (yes mobile devices access a different search index). You must get your mobile website into the mobile indexes – and a mobile sitemap is the easiest way to do so. It is important to only include the pages that are included in your mobile website.
For a tool to create your mobile sitemap use MadSubmitter (free tool). Simply fill out the form and the tool will scan your website for mobile-friendly pages. The drawback is that you will have to manually update this sitemap when new information is published. If you are using WordPress you are in luck. There is a Mobile Sitemap plugin that will automatically keep your sitemap up to date when you publish new content. It is a “set it and leave it” plugin – my favorite. Got to love WordPress!