Website Designer Review
Judy Glenney of Portland Bible Church and Judy Glenney author leaves a website designer review about Dotty of Premium Websites – In Judy’s words.
“Hi -I am Judy Glenney. I am a speaker and author and my husband is the pastor at Portland Bible Church. Dotty has done two websites for us.
She is very easy to work with and she knows how to bring the best out of you. Sometimes we don’t know what is best for us. And that is what happened with my author’s website. I did not know where to go with it – I really did not know what I wanted. I went to Dotty and said – This is kind of where I am going, but I am not really sure what I want or how I want it to look. As we talked things out and she listened to the direction I kind of wanted to go, she directed me to another gal that did my graphics. She said I would work with the gal that did the graphics and will put together a site that will be suitable for what you need. She did, and it turned out wonderful. I am amazed. I would definitely recommend her to anyone that wants to do a business website.
With our church website, anything that you have to manage on your own – even if you are not so techy – will make it easy for you. She will tell you the steps that you need to do, and she makes it easy and comfortable.
Very creative. She will come up with some ideas that maybe you did not even expect. She will put it together in an appealing manner. ”
Dotty loves her Author website clients too
Thanks so much Judy for the great review. I enjoyed working with you both times. I feel we came up with the perfect simple design that you were looking for with your author’s website. I know that loading your audios for the church website has often been challenging, but you are a great learner and have persevered. Now you can maintain your websites without my help anymore.