What is Website Optimization?

Website OptimizationMost business owners think that website optimization (SEO) happens by magic on their website.  Website optimization is so much more than your website.  It includes:

Website owners naturally think that the optimization performed by an expert on their website is way more important than the off-site optimization. They are wrong. I have seen some extremely poorly optimized sites perform really well in the Search results. The reason is off-site optimization.

What is SEO?

Every January, I sit down and review all my clients—where they came from, what marketing methods are working, and which ones are not working—and plan out my business for the upcoming year. My website has always been a steady 20% of my business. It is not because of the search engine optimization I have done to it. It is everything else.

Just because someone contacts you from your website does not mean that your website efforts earned your placement in the search engine results. There are many things a business owner can do to earn higher placements. All the small things add up to better placement. Here is a list of things I have done that helped to boost my website’s search engine placement.

Website Optimization Ideas

  • Guest blog posts
  • Social Media participation (LinkedIn, X, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok)
  • Fan Page for business
  • YouTube and informational/educational videos
  • Article databases
  • Forum Posting
  • Testimonial writing
  • Press Releases
  • Using SlideShare
  • Creating profiles on various websites
  • Directory Listings
  • Social Bookmarking accounts
  • Blogging
  • the list goes on…

Anything you can do on other websites that point back to your website is helpful and worth the time and effort.  Over time, all these various activities have grown and accumulated.

SEO is not a quick fix – it cannot be accomplished in 1 month.  It is an ongoing project – one might say never-ending.  It can reap huge rewards in the future – think of it as making deposits into a savings account that earns 20% interest.  20% of my business comes from Search Engine Optimization.

What is Website Optimization

It is:

  • Increased sales
  • More clients
  • More phone calls
  • More dollars
  • More business

Read 5 SEO Tips Small Businesses Need To Know