Tim Adams of Timato Productions quizzed me today about getting traffic to websites. Listen to my answers to these questions:
- How much traffic is enough?
- Does Social Media really drive traffic?
- Does Video really drive traffic?
For those of you that like to read here are my answers summarized:
How much traffic is enough?
That really depends on your business goals and the type of business you have created. If you are a service, like me, and you provide all of the services offered, you will likely want to limit your traffic. It is possible to get too many inquiries and find yourself turning away business. If you sell a product online and it does not effect your time to sell hundreds of your product then you want as much traffic as possible. The more you sell the more profits you make. Listen to the video to see how I control my traffic to this website.
Does Social Media really drive traffic?
It absolutely does – if done correctly. You first need to ask yourself, is traffic my goal with social media? Maybe your goal is branding within your community, or exposure for your business, or some other goal. If traffic is your goal then you need to be sure that all your posts originate on your website and link back to your website. I accomplish this by using the Social Sharing tools on my website. After creating a blog post the first think I do is share it to all my social media accounts through the Share feature.
Does video really drive traffic?
Video both drives traffic and it helps improve your search rankings for hard to rank for terms. Video often comes up as a separate listing above your actual website in a search result. Video does drive traffic IF you have your website listed in the video description as the first item. That way there is a link that is convenient to click when someone is watching your video on YouTube. I personally love video because it improves my search rankings, it makes me look like an expert, it provides content for social media, and as a bonus it drives traffic to my website.
For a more detailed explanation watch the video above.