I am always looking for time saving ideas. It occurred to me that when I registered for Clip Marks there was an application that connects it to Twitter. Whenever I find something useful on the Internet I can ClipMark it and then share it with Twitter – then the next step is to connect my Twitter account to my Facebook account with the Facebook application that is in Twitter. Now whenever I ClipMark something it gets posted in ClipMark, Twitter, and Facebook. This means that as I browse the Internet I am furthering my social networking without even thinking about it – what a deal. I am going to be looking for ways to further the circle of social networking sites that are in the loop.
Time Saver: Connect ClipMarks, Twitter, and Facebook
About the Author: Dotty Scott
Dotty Scott, Owner of Premium Websites, Inc. and AskDotty.com
Dotty is a website designer, business owner, and educator for Digital Marketing. She enjoys empowering other business owners to take control of the technology used in their business. She teaches Online techniques in an easy to understand language.
Dotty also love photography, hiking, camping, and family time.