Is Blogging Really A Marketing Tool?
Blogging has been one of the best-performing marketing tools I have used over the past 16 years of business. In fact, it is one of the few that I have used the whole time I have been in business. I have tried many marketing tactics, and most come and go. Blogging is here to stay because it gets consistent results.
Will Blogging Work For Me?
Now that is the question of the hour! Like most things, blogging only works if you do it consistently. It also depends on your expectations. For example, if you expect to write 10 articles (blogs) then sit back and watch the sales roll in, that is not going to happen. Let’s break blogging down for you.
What Is A Blog?
A blog can be a stand-alone website or it can be part of your business website. It is an easy way to post articles on the web. Blog software comes with an easy-to-use editor, an easy way to log into the site, and an easy way to share your content to social media.
A blog uses categories to organize your articles, and tags to organize your concepts.
What Is A Category?
Categories organize the topics that you will be writing about. For example, I am a website designer. I might write about:
- Websites
- Search Engine Optimization
- Online Marketing
Each one of these categories is broad enough to put many articles in it, yet narrow enough that not all articles will fit. The categories are related to each other in the sense that someone looking for a website would be interested in all these topics. However, they do not have a lot of cross-over possibilities.
Categories also help your readers find related articles. They are used as a secondary navigation tool on most websites.
What Is A Tag?
Tags organize your concepts. For example one of the concepts that my clients ask about is Facebook. If I had a tag for Facebook, and all the articles written about Facebook have the tag applied, then that tag connects all the articles that mention Facebook. These articles can be in any category.
A tag should be something that people are searching for (contain a keyword for you). It also needs to be broad enough that several articles share the tag. Blog software will create archive pages for the tag so it too becomes secondary navigation for users of the blog. If they click on the tag, they will be given a page that lists all the articles using that tag. Here is another article on how to write a blog.
Blogging As A Marketing Tool
Now that you understand what a blog is, let’s explain how it becomes a marketing tool. Blog posts add new content to your website. New content keeps the search engines coming to your website to index the new content. For a blog to work as a marketing tool for you, it needs a few things to happen:
- Blog or article titles need to be something that your clients are searching for. If you start to write about your “passion” and that is not related to your business, it will not bring you more customers. Blog topics need to be something related to your business. Your blog titles need to contain a keyword phrase that your customers are actively searching for.
- Categories need to contain your keywords and be related to your business. They need to be actively used. Never use anything generic like “uncategorized”.
- Tags need to be used and also be a concept that your clients are searching for.
- Blog posts should be around 500 words. Search engines like longer articles and dismiss ones that are really short. 500 words is a good length to keep the search engines coming to your website. That length is long enough to get your point across and to be able to naturally use a variety of keywords in the article.
What Is The Point Of Blogging?
There are many points to blogging. the top 2 are:
- Educating your customer or client. If you have a well-informed potential customer, the initial meeting goes very well. They know what questions to ask. They understand what you offer and how you can help them. A well-educated person is an easy sale. We all want easy sales in our business.
- Getting random sales. A random sale is one that comes from someone that you do not already know. You did not meet them networking and they were not referred by someone you know. They are a true gift to your business. They found you on the Internet by searching for what you do. They are ideal for your business.
This is what blogging can do for your business. When someone needs your services or products, they will search the Internet for information. Your goal with blogging is to come up when they are searching. If they like what they read, they will read more. Then they will call you or reach out in some way. They might download a free item you offer. Then they are on your mailing list and you can reach out to them.
I LOVE random sales. These are usually the most qualified and interested leads. They already know they need what you are offering.
Want To Learn How To Blog?
I offer a course called Blogging Made Easy! It is video and text-based and on-demand. You can take the course at a time convenient for you. There are 6 modules and over 30 videos. Each module covers an important part of blogging. When you complete the course you will fully understand how to blog and how to market with your blog.