Not all Website Builders are Equal
Which website builder is easiest to use?
I get this question all the time. The question should be, What website builder will give me the best search engine results? The reality is that website builder software is different from platform to platform. They are not equal.
This became evident to me early in my website-building career. A business owner would come to me with an existing website that was not performing well in the search engines. I would move that website into WordPress, change nothing else, and the website would perform better than previously. Everything was equal except the platform that contained the website.
Search engines love WordPress. Websites are easier to optimize using WordPress. I am told that WordPress editors are not easy for people to use. I do not have issues using the WordPress editor.
Reasons why WordPress is my website builder of choice
WordPress is expandable
Most businesses evolve. Your business will be different in 5 years. Your website needs may be different as well. One of the reasons I like to create websites in WordPress is that the platform is expandable. Will you ever offer a membership? Will you ever offer online courses? What about events? Will you ever need a shopping cart? Will you want to blog? How about a Vlog?
Often business owners cannot answer these questions. Their business may evolve in a not obvious way right now; with WordPress, that is ok. If your website is on a platform that does not offer the feature you want to add; it becomes a problem. At that point, you will need to move your website into a platform that does everything you need. But remember, your business might evolve again. Do you want to keep moving your website? It is like recreating the wheel.
You must choose a platform that offers everything your website will ever need. The great thing about WordPress is that it is expandable. Some plugins will do just about anything you will need. A plugin is a program that does one thing, like an Event plugin or a shopping cart plugin.
WordPress is customizable
WordPress can achieve almost any look you want. There are thousands of free themes and some very high-quality premium themes. I advocate using a premium (paid) theme because it will come with support.
If you want a slider, there are many to choose from. If you want a mega menu, it can do that. If you think of something you need, and it has not already been created, some developers can make it for you since WordPress is open source. It will cost money, but it can be done.
WordPress is SEO Friendly
Search engines love WordPress. There are also quality Search Engine Optimization plugins for WordPress. Yoast is the one I use. There are also schema and other plugins (that are free) that will help with SEO. WordPress is your best option since you want your website to get found on search engines.
Have a specific WordPress question?
Schedule an appointment with Dotty to get your questions answered.